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Anti-Modern Slavery Statement

Last Edited: February 27, 2024

In compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, IndependentReviews.info (a part of Warren Enterprises Inc.) is firmly committed to eliminating modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labor, and similar human rights abuses in our operations and supply chain.

Our Approach

We have implemented a strict policy framework and due diligence processes to ensure all aspects of our business and supply chain are free from unethical labor practices. Our commitment is to maintain a transparent, ethical business conduct throughout our organization.

Reporting Concerns

We strongly encourage our employees, workers, or other parties to report any concerns or suspicions of modern slavery to their Manager, HR Director, or Compliance Executive. We ensure prompt investigation and necessary action against any such practices.


Our HR Department works closely with the Compliance Executive to conduct risk analysis and investigations/due diligence in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking.

Relevant Policies and Practices

  • Our whistleblowing policy enables employees, customers, and business partners to report concerns related to our organization’s activities or supply chain.
  • We undertake our recruitment activities to ensure strict verification of potential employees’ right to work, adhering to ethical recruitment practices.
  • We expect our subsidiaries and all supply chain partners to adhere to voluntary employment terms.

Awareness & Performance

We are dedicated to raising awareness about modern slavery issues among our employees, suppliers, and partners through regular communication and training. This policy is communicated across the organization and reinforced periodically.

Enforcement and Monitoring

Our board of directors and senior leadership team take reports of modern slavery very seriously. If investigations reveal any issues, we are committed to taking appropriate action, including improving standards and liaising with law enforcement bodies as necessary.

Annual Statement

We publish a modern slavery statement annually on our company website, outlining our efforts and progress in this area.

We are steadfast in our resolve to combat modern slavery and human trafficking and are committed to continuously improving our practices to uphold high ethical standards.